If you wish to choose the right precision casting such as investment castings as well as the machining company that can make these components, you need to understand a few factors. The most prominent among them are what your application needs, the time you have to market deadlines, and the budget you have earmarked for the purpose. Yet another important factor in this particular context is the kind of production processes that will be needed for your work. Apart from investment casting, you have various other processes such as sand casting and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) precision machining, and you can choose any as you want.         

Producing prototypes and for low-to-high volume production

However, there are certain situations where investment castings are the right choice. In this process, you create wax patterns of the components and then create a ceramic shell around the same to create a mold. After this, you melt the wax from the mold and pour the molten metal into it to create the part. The good thing about investment casting is its repeatability – the process has been designed to function consistently so that a certain volume of parts can be created. This is the ideal method irrespective of the volume. You can also use it for other cost-effective purposes. 

Consistency in quality 

You can easily use investment castings when you need consistency in your designs. This is because the aforementioned wax pattern is a replica of the metal component at the time it is created. This benefit is really important for parts that will be used in different industries and applications. The metal components must have the same dimensions, intricacies, and geometries regardless of the volume you are creating them. When you use investment casting you can make sure the dimensions are accurate for all cast molds and metal products. 

Compatibility with various other metals 

When you use investment castings for creating components you do not have to worry about the metal alloys and base metals that you are using for such work. The ceramic molds are capable of handling the molten traits as well as the melting temperatures of a wide range of metals. It does not matter what you want to make the parts from – copper, titanium, steel, or specialty alloys – investment casting processes can usually handle the production processes rather well. The process works well with both non-ferrous and ferrous metals.

Convenient creation of intricate internal parts 

With investment castingsyou can let the core be placed in a pattern before you form the ceramic shell so that the mold can be created. Then you can remove the pattern along with the cores before you pour the molten metal inside. This is why the process lets you create the most intricate and complex internal parts that may be needed for your application. 

Reduction of tooling costs 

Costs do play a major role when you are choosing machining and casting processes. Are you looking to make a lot of parts with high precision and little tooling? In that case, investment castings would be a solid choice as the process helps you attain tight tolerances and precise dimensions. It also helps that they are created for netting shapes. This way, you also get to save on processing and material expenses as you are pouring only the correct amount of metal into the mold.  


If you want to select these castings it is always better that you get them from the top names in the business such as Gemsons. Thus, you would have access to the kind of expertise you need to implement them successfully.

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